Reverse Half Guard Knee Bar: Demonstration from Third Degree Black Belt
Reverse Half Guard Knee Bar
Mike Martin, Owner of Strong Heart Academy, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in Phoenix Arizona, and third degree black belt, demonstrates reverse half guard knee bar.
Response When Opponent Defends
In reverse half guard, attacking the knee bar then switching to a foot lock when the opponent defends.
Watch the video below:
In reverse half guard, attacking the knee bar then switching to a foot lock when the opponent defends.
Transcript: Reverse Half Guard Knee Bar
So I'm in, uh, I'm trying to attack this knee bar. So when I come in, sometimes he grabs the sleeve or I just can't get it out. So when I come and I roll here, I'm going, I can't extract it. I'm gonna take this foot instead. Okay. Now I'm gonna reach through if I can grab it. That's fine. Many times you can't grab it. You're just gonna grab the toes. Top of the toes are gonna pull the heel, pull the heel to your chest and push it in. Or if you can reach at this point, you can get your, your, your foot lock. Okay. But depends on the size of the guy's foot. How strong he is to finish the toe hold. If the foot he starts coming out, I'm gonna use this as a lever again, and pull out catching with my head and finishing.
Thank you.
Strong Heart Principle to Live By | HEALTH
The next one is health. And you know, this is kind of mixes with balance. A lot of these mixed together, which I think is important too. But health is, you know, eating right, sleeping, exercising, and mental health as well, working on mental health. We have a serious mental health issue in the country right now. Um, and so I think jiu jitsu's a huge help for it, but it's, it's just an aspect of your mental health. You need to be working on other things and ex, and be a, be a person that self examines yourself and be brutal with yourself.
You know, am I working on the things that I need to do for my mental health? You could have anxiety, depression, um, you know, you know, how are your relationships? That's part of your health too. Okay. Stress leads to physical ailments. It's proven. Okay. So dealing with your stress in a positive way, instead of drinking or drugs or medicating, you know, everyone's so many people taking Xanax. Oh, it's legal. Okay. But, and, and maybe you need it if you're having severe panics. Okay. But you need to deal with the root cause. What is causing the anxiety and maybe therapy might be a thing that you need, okay. Or a psychiatrist or psychologist maybe read on these subjects. Is there something that, a book that might help you, you know, faith, um, I think is a huge part of this too, you know, like not everyone has faith, but I, I believe, um, a good part of balance and health is your mind, your body and your soul.
And, um, health, I think is an important part of that. You know, that Trinity of, of health and balance, um, uh, so, you know, making, making sure you're, you're eating properly, you know, myself, I have a, I have a sweet tooth, you know, and I, I drink way too much soda. And, uh, our doctor, you know, I, I drink, uh, pop, whatever you wanna call wherever you're in the country. Uh, I call it soda, but, um, it's not good for you. It's not healthy. I need to be drinking. I drink a lot of water, but I need, I would like to cut out as part of my thing. Like my list, you get cut out more. Um, I'm trying to cut down on my carbs a little bit. I'm decent at that. You know, my, my, my, uh, my food intake is probably where I suffer the most.
I, I do exercise. I do have, I am a man of faith. I do work on my mental health. Um, I am very conscious of my mental health. Um, and all those things are struggles. You know, not, no one's saying that any of this stuff is easy, but it's, if you don't work on things, um, they don't change.