Children's Jiu Jitsu: Demonstration Lesson
Children’s Brazilian Jiu Jitsu: Demonstration of Moves
Mike Martin, Owner of Strong Heart Academy, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in Phoenix Arizona, and third-degree black belt, narrates various grips, holds, and more. Demonstration for children’s BJJ and adult BJJ.
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Mike Martin, Children’s BJJ Demonstration. Moves, Holds, Grips and more!
Transcript: Children’s BJJ
So pulling guard have sleeve grip and lapel grip. I wanna step forward and my right leg is gonna go toes out on the hip. As I fall to one butt cheek, and then I'm gonna grab his ankle. My other foot needs to step, uh, hook behind his knee and pull so that can backstep and start passing series. If you fall on your side, it's easier to reach the ankle that you're aiming for. Here's another angle. They'll slow you down. As you could descend, bend one leg and then you'll have our sleeve. And then my other leg, my hand goes right to the ankle. Now you can turn this into a million guards. This is just a nice, simple, open guard. I usually turn into a sickle sweep, uh, but this is the way I like to pull guard.
Intercept Hand and Grip Fighting
All right, we're gonna work on changing levels first here and elbows in hands out. So thumbs are in hands are out. It's easier to intercept, uh, hand and grip fighting, but he feeds changing levels. I have to change levels with him and that's the whole point. My head level is gonna go at his level. I'm showing how to clear his hands, cuz his hands in front. So I'm going to change levels, knee pound and blast double. Now here's the more sophisticated, double leg changing levels. My knee goes to the ground. Head should stay up better than that. I like to grab the calves step and then I'm gonna lift one leg, head up and walk towards my ear. My head is turning him. I'm tapping his knee and walk in a circle will always keep you on bounds and you'll gonna get this side control position. Most likely instead of getting stuck in guard, the blast double will get you stuck in D uh, closed guard. If they know what they're doing, they're it's great for a street fight. It's um, good for MMA, but uh, for jujitsu tournaments, you don't wanna be stuck in the double leg and there's uh, a little bit faster. You really can't do it this
Arm Bar from Guard
Slow either, but uh, showing you how it should look. All right, armbar from the guard. We're gonna pull the arm underneath, pull it across. Same foot will go on the hip cross grip on his shoulder arm that you're attacking. That foot goes on. The hip. Other foot goes high and turning him high on his back high. As you can almost touch your knee, he possibly can push the face, hand slides to the wrist. I step over pinching my knees and curling my legs. Lifting the hips. Wrist must stay on your chest to finish this time. When I do the arm bar, I come underneath, I pull the arm across, I step foot on the hip. We step over like a normal arm bar, but they're going to pull their arm out. When they pull their arm out, I'm going to drop my left knee towards the mat.
Hip Escape and Arm Bar
As I hip escape, I hip escape dropping my knee, clear the arm to the far side, and now I'm taking the other arm, lifting my hips to step over the head heel to toes. Make sure you secure the wrist to the chest. Finishing the armbar. This last one is a Caio armbar, which I call Caio armbar. He has control of my lapels. I'm going to break his grip. We've worked earlier videos on breaking the grips. I lift the sky, switch my grip over the wrist and grab his tricep material at the seam with four fingers Palm up. I'm gonna maintain that hand on the tricep. Do not let go of that. Just like a normal armbar, changing the angle. We're gonna go over his shoulder with my thigh pinching my knees. Many times I can lift up. Do not take your hand off his tricep lift finish even better. Step over. Keep your hand on the tricep and lift your hips for the finish. So we're gonna do guard break. Um, when you're in the guard. So the person in white is gonna roll his two lapels, put 'em together and roll them up like a burrito. And then he's gonna keep his hand. So his thumb is still up. And when his partner comes up, he pushes him back down and stiff, arms him back down to the ground.
Working Breaks
He rolls the gear back up and his hand goes to the hip. One hand on the lapel. When he push comes up, he pushes him back down. So we're gonna work breaks today. Uh, when he's grabbing your sleeve, you're gonna grab his knuckles and pull your hand out. We're gonna do some of these a couple times and you can see he dabs. If you'd like grabs and knuckles and pulls a hand out and then you can pin their hand. The second one is lapel. So that's your lapel. I'm pointing to when your partner grabs the same side lapel, and you're gonna make a V with your hands and break the grip. So he takes his hands. Two hands, hand breaks this time he cross grips. So meaning he grips across the other side of lapel, not the same side. You're gonna loop your head underneath and posture up hard. I helped him by pushing his head over that time. We cross grip, loop our head and posture up and you can break also with your hands as you posture up.
Open the Guard
Now we're working to open the guard up. So you have your burrito grip. You have your hand on the hip. The hand, the knee is gonna go right down the middle and other knee is gonna go wide and you're gonna turn your chest. And he already opened his guard here, but many times they don't thumb inside the knee to push down, to open up and break the guard open. And that's our whole goal knee on the middle step over, keep your leg nice and straight while your hand is on the knee.
Thank you.
Strong Heart Principle - HEALTH
The next one is health. And you know, this is kind of mixes with balance. A lot of these mixed together, which I think is important too. But health is, you know, eating right, sleeping, exercising, and mental health as well, working on mental health. We have a serious mental health issue in the country right now. Um, and so I think jiu jitsu's a huge help for it, but it's, it's just an aspect of your mental health. You need to be working on other things and ex, and be a, be a person that self examines yourself and be brutal with yourself.
You know, am I working on the things that I need to do for my mental health? You could have anxiety, depression, um, you know, you know, how are your relationships? That's part of your health too. Okay. Stress leads to physical ailments. It's proven. Okay. So dealing with your stress in a positive way, instead of drinking or drugs or medicating, you know, everyone's so many people taking Xanax. Oh, it's legal. Okay. But, and, and maybe you need it if you're having severe panics. Okay. But you need to deal with the root cause. What is causing the anxiety and maybe therapy might be a thing that you need, okay. Or a psychiatrist or psychologist maybe read on these subjects. Is there something that, a book that might help you, you know, faith, um, I think is a huge part of this too, you know, like not everyone has faith, but I, I believe, um, a good part of balance and health is your mind, your body and your soul.
And, um, health, I think is an important part of that. You know, that Trinity of, of health and balance, um, uh, so, you know, making, making sure you're, you're eating properly, you know, myself, I have a, I have a sweet tooth, you know, and I, I drink way too much soda. And, uh, our doctor, you know, I, I drink, uh, pop, whatever you wanna call wherever you're in the country. Uh, I call it soda, but, um, it's not good for you. It's not healthy. I need to be drinking. I drink a lot of water, but I need, I would like to cut out as part of my thing. Like my list, you get cut out more. Um, I'm trying to cut down on my carbs a little bit. I'm decent at that. You know, my, my, my, uh, my food intake is probably where I suffer the most.
I, I do exercise. I do have, I am a man of faith. I do work on my mental health. Um, I am very conscious of my mental health. Um, and all those things are struggles. You know, not, no one's saying that any of this stuff is easy, but it's, if you don't work on things, um, they don't change.