Phoenix, AZ MMA | Mixed Martial Arts in Phoenix Arizona
We Have A New MMA 101 Class That breaks down MMA into 3 levels. Boxing, Muay Thai, and Take Downs with Ground in Pound.
Our Mixed Martial Arts classes in Phoenix can be for fun or used to get ready for competition. MMA is also a great way to learn self-defense.
We teach boxing and utilize shadow boxing, footwork, and bag drills.
Mike Martin has competed in MMA and Boxing.
Riley has multiple belts in boxing and is also undefeated in MMA.
If you want to learn MMA, which includes multiple aspects of martial arts, contact us to begin and improve your existing game.
Our Phoenix Martial Arts Academy is open now.
Mixed Martial Arts is the best martial art for self-defense; it’s not just for MMA competition.
Students receive access to our monthly online classes. Learn from home!
Anyone can subscribe to our streaming service full of online training.
Join our community and stay connected via social media, podcasts, and more!
Visit our store for Strong Heart Merchandise!
The First Step is Taking a FREE TRIAL!
A blackbelt is a whitebelt that never quit!
Our students can work with our coaching staff to learn footwork and MMA concepts.
We have always been a BJJ school, and you will not have to rely on stand up skills.
Contact us to learn more about our MMA program!
“The people that are teaching Jiu-Jitsu should be good people, you shouldn’t look for the best but someone who has a good heart that will teach you not just Jiu-Jitsu but will help you with life.”