BJJ Mount: Simple Mount Demonstration by Third Degree Black Belt

Simple Mount Brazilian Jiu Jitsu | Demonstration

Mike Martin, Owner of Strong Heart Academy, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in Phoenix Arizona, and third degree black belt, demonstrates a simple mount.

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Okay. From mount position. I wanna tuck my feet under their butt. My hand is gonna come under the head. I want my shoulder into his face so that he looks at my free hand. My other hand's gonna go wide. All we're doing is just, this is we're gonna call home base or Mount. Okay. You can lock your feet onto the butt. And I wanna put my hips into him for pressure.

Mount Position

You should never be up like this in Mount. We'll lose the position. Okay. If I have my hand here and my arms out here, he can end up rolling me this direction. So I want his head, this direction facing, looking at my hand posting with my hand. So right now we're not worrying about submissions. We're just worrying about understanding what, when I say Mount, what does it look like? Sitting on their chest feet locked under the butt or tucked under the butt.

Bjj Mount - Feet Wide:

If I had my feet wide and he pushed on my hips, I'm gonna fall off. Yeah. So especially for smaller people, we gotta make sure that we're tucking our feet under the butt. If you push on my hips now I don't go anywhere. And he tires himself out. If we were to push on my chest, okay. From the beginning we could arm bar him, but the beginning, I wanna learn how to swim, swimming through. So he pushes on my chest. I swim through, he pushes on my hips. I grab the head. He pushes on my knee and I'm gonna push his head away. Lift up on his hand, pushes on my other knee. I Push his head away lift up.



Strong Heart Principle #4 - INTEGRITY

View all 8 Strong Heart Principles here.

Okay. The next one is integrity for me. This is the easiest one. Uh, for a lot of people, it's it, it's hard because sometimes you're gonna have to, um, when you're doing what's right, it's sometimes it's gonna be painful. And this is just, uh, I'm fortunate that the way that I was raised, I, I, this is just part of my, the way I was raised. So I, I I've always had integrity. Um, and for me, my, uh, reputation is very important. Um, and not a false sense of reputation, a, a real reputation. Um, I try to do what I say I'm going to do. Um, and that's why I try not to, you know, I I've expressed this as a biblical concept for me, that I, that very few people I think talk about, but, you know, Jesus used to say, make your, yes, your yes and your no, no.

Don't make promises. Don't make proclamations, you know, it's yes. If you say, so, I'll say, let me think about, let me, I'll try to do it, but I try not to say yes or no, because I, I want to try to do it. And I don't want to give you a false, you know, I know certain people, I tell them, don't tell me they're gonna be there unless you're gonna be there. If you're not gonna, you know, I give people a lot of breaks, but after like three I'm like, I don't don't tell me you're gonna be here. Okay. Just be here. And then I'll, I'll be thankful that you showed up or Mike, I'm gonna do this thing. Great. And then they don't show up and kids really, this is a big one with kids. If you're a father or a mother, you know, you tell them you're gonna be somewhere or do something, you, you know, this you'll lose trust with this.

Okay. So integrity is about doing what you say you're gonna do, even if it's gonna be painful. Okay. And, um, and honesty is, it's part of the honesty. You know, I have integrity. I'm not, I'm not gonna be, uh, dishonest with people, you know, you know, and if you do, you need to apologize and take and, and make amends. And part of our current zeitgeist is a problem with, um, forgiveness right now. Um, but, uh, it's, I think we need to bring it back. And, and with honesty, if, if people are honestly, um, uh, you know, apologetic and they wanna make it right, then you should be willing to have forgiveness because understanding that you make mistakes as well. But, um, you know, there's a level of trust when someone has integrity and you see someone and like, man, I know, you know, Mike, he says he is gonna do it.

It's gonna do it. You don't even, people have a tendency to just believe them because you've built up integrity. You've built up a, a level. And it's kind of like a fuel tank, you know, like, you know, you, you, you, every time you don't do what you say, it goes down and down and down and down, and you start looking at your fuel gauge. You're like, mm, I don't know. There's not much there. Um, you know, you want to trust that someone's gonna do what they say, and it's a big one for me. Um, and it's, I judge people a lot for this one. You know, this is a big one for me. So it's easy for me. I know some people might be a little bit harder. Um, but I, I, I, it's a principle that you should be work working on that if someone, if you were to die tomorrow and they're at you at the funeral, they would say, you know, John DOE, he was a man of integrity.

Jane DOE. She was a woman of integrity. Um, that is something that I want said when I die, but, but an honest version, you know, I wanted to say it. And they mean that I actually had integrity, not just because I'm, I'm dead and they wanna, you know, make me look good. I, I wanna earn, earn that.


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